Ed Potosnak on Innovation

Ed Potosnak has a great post on innovation over at downwithtyrrany:


“As a technophile and science nerd I may be biased, but I believe America’s economic stability depends on how seriously we respond to the challenges presented by an increasingly technological global economy”

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Ed Potosnak for Congress

Blog Post from https://lukelaurie.wordpress.com/

Ed Potosnak, working hard for what's right.

Never before have I been so excited about a congressional candidate. Ed Potosnak is a teacher from New Jersey, running for that State’s 7th Congressional District. Ed is a science teacher who became an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, and went to work in the U.S. House of Representatives. He worked on education policy with Congressman Mike Honda, and established himself as a skilled legislative analyst, making significant contributions in the realms of education policy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education policy, appropriations (funding government programs), environmental policy, and other fields.

Now Ed is taking his experience as a teacher and small business owner, combined with his policy work experience as an Einstein Fellow and Legislative Staffer, and is making a bold run for Congress in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District.

Ed is a clear-headed, critical thinker, with courage and tenacity. He is no career politician.

I hope you will join me in support of Ed Potosnak, he will make great contributions as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

His campaign website is http://edpotosnak.com/

The Republicans; a Minor Party?


Newscasters are buying into the Republican mislabeling of the Democratic party.

I can’t believe that CNN and C-SPAN have bought into the Republicans re-branding of the Democratic Party as the “Democrat” Party. For a long time now, Republican members of congress have been trying to not-so-subtly separate the Democrats from the adjective Democratic. They rail against these newfangled Democrat bills and failed Democrat policies, etc., etc. But they’re not the Democrat Party. Please allow me to give you some proper names for reference:

The Democratic Party, The Democratic National Committee, The Democratic Members of Congress, etc.

For easier clarification, and correct grammar:

Noun: Democrat.

Adjective: Democratic

Concept: Democracy

And it’s still Democracy no matter what you call it. And in Democracies, there are elections. And in elections there are winners and losers. The Democrats won. You could say it was a Democratic victory.

Maybe renaming things is all they’ve got left.

Since they are the Republicans are the minority party, perhaps we should call them the “Minor” party.